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Category Archives: Education Topics

Pre-Run Routine

Let’s talk warm-ups! As runners, we all know the excitement of lacing up our shoes [...]

Does running ever get easier?

If you’re a new runner, you may be thinking: “Does this ever get any easier?!” [...]

The Importance of Easy Runs

To train to run faster, you need to run slow. Sounds counterintuitive, right?! We aren’t [...]

Why 30 minutes?

Does a run have to be long to be effective? The amount one should run [...]

Expert Spotlight: Dr. Angie Voight

Dr. Angela Voight (pictured middle at this year’s Moms on the Run 5K/10K) practices sports [...]

Training Tip with Carrie: Long Runs

Today, our National Fitness Director, Olympian Carrie Tollefson, talks about the long run. Typically, the [...]

Training Tip with Carrie: Rest

Today, our National Fitness Director, Olympian Carrie Tollefson, grants you permission to…REST! Zero miles. Relax. [...]

Training Tip with Carrie: Tempo Run

Today, our National Fitness Director, Olympian Carrie Tollefson, shares about tempo training. The goal during [...]

Training Tip with Carrie: Intervals

We do a lot of intervals at Moms on the Run. Today, our National Fitness [...]

Training Tip with Carrie: 3 Hs

Today, Moms on the Run National Fitness Director, Olympian Carrie Tollefson, is talking about the [...]