Welcome to our bustling blog at Moms on the Run. From training tips to news to heartwarming stories of personal achievement and more, our blog is your go-to destination for everything mom-runner related. Within these pages, we offer more than just stories; we cultivate a community where every woman finds support while on her fitness journey. 

Fueling Properly Before a Run

What should I eat before a run? How much? When? Fueling properly before a run is key to ensuring you have the energy and endurance to perform your best. Aim to eat a balanced meal or snack ideally one-plus hour before your run, focusing on easily digestible carbohydrates for quick [...]

Overcoming an Injury

Injuries can be a tough setback for runners, but with the right approach, you can handle them effectively and come back stronger. That’s when making backup plans are essential to overcoming an injury. When we listen to our bodies and rest as needed, we allow proper healing and reduce our [...]

Are you getting enough sleep?

We can’t continue our discussion on proper rest and recovery without diving further into the topic of SLEEP. We all know it’s healthy for us, but how does it specifically relate to runners? Sleep is when our bodies undergo the most significant repair and recovery processes. During deep sleep, our muscles [...]

Meet Becky: July’s Inspiring Member

Stillwater Moms on the Run member Becky Solensten (pictured on the right in the photo) is a warrior. Throughout an intense battle with cancer last year, she continued to show up to class to run, walk and keep getting stronger. In June, she crossed the finish line of Grandma’s Half [...]

Rest Days

Last week we talked about how rest days are an important part of recovery. Let’s look closer at why they are so important, how to schedule them, and even how to NOT schedule them! (An unplanned day of rest when you need one is A-OK!) And what is the difference [...]

All About Recovery

There is a lot to be said about recovery! Let’s see if we can simplify a daunting task and make it an easy part of our routine. Recovery doesn’t have to be complicated—sometimes, the simplest methods are the most effective. First and foremost, prioritize rest and sleep. Giving your body [...]