Our training schedules map out the intervals and workouts for each week of the program. They are located on the homepage of your current program in GEMS which is our registration system. You must be logged in to view the schedule. Please do not share these scheduled outside of our group – these are a benefit solely for those who have purchased a Moms on the Run program.
There will be no class on holidays, certain holiday weekends and/or days before or after a holiday, and race days/weekends that are officially promoted as part of the MOTR program. On dates where we do not have class, class members not absent for the holiday or participating in a race are welcome to get together to complete a workout without their coach. Make-up classes in other locations are welcome within reason. Regular attendance at another location requires double enrollment, which is available at a discount. There may be other local races that your particular class location may decide to do together, and your instructor will decide whether to hold class.
You will likely be successful in this program if you complete 2 cardio and strength workouts a week (the class workout 2 times, so if you only attend once, you MUST do the workout one other time on your own). It is highly recommended to do 3 cardio workouts a week for injury prevention and for better results. Your workout schedule will contain suggestions for your non-class days, including cardio and strength training.
In each program, the difficulty level is up to the individual. You decide how hard to push yourself in each of the intervals. We understand that many women find they are between levels with their fitness. Women are welcome to experiment with more than one workout schedule. If running itself is new to your body, please choose the learn to run program to avoid shin splints from the new impact you are experiencing. If you are a fitness “regular” the workouts may be easy for you at first but will quickly pick up in intensity.

Many cities will have a specific walking program available, and walking is welcome at all locations. Not everyone’s bodies want to run, and that’s okay! The walking workout is a great option for those who have injury issues or feel jogging is too stressful on their joints, or for any reason at all. Walking can be just as challenging and effective for your fitness level as jogging. Walkers will follow an interval schedule that is similar to the intermediate runners, except at slower and faster walking speeds.
Beginning Runners will move from “mostly walking” to “mostly running” or entirely running by the end of the 18 week period. The program is a gradual progression of running intervals. It is okay if you aren’t able to keep up with the exact schedule. Extra walking is always welcome! Listen to your body.
This schedule is available by request or will be directly offered by locations with the coaching staff and enrollment levels to support it. This training program is for an individual who already has previous running experience and for the most part, has a base of running for 30 minutes but prefers the run/walk method. This schedule is intended to incorporate walk breaks throughout the season using traditional run/walk intervals, with the running portion always being longer than the walks.
This training program is designed for an individual who already has previous running experience and is able to run 30 minutes without walking breaks. It is specifically designed for those wanting to improve both speed and endurance by utilizing speed work. Individuals choose their intensity to adapt the workout to their level. This training schedule may including hill work, tempo, speed play, progression, pyramid runs and lots of variety to keep workouts interesting!
Our Fit2Run program includes running form education, strength and toning exercises for your entire body, and proactive injury prevention through our dynamic warm-up and flexibility training. Your fitness level, running abilities, and metabolism will all get a boost! We want you to get a comprehensive strength and cardiovascular workout at least twice a week. The workout will be an appropriate and adaptable challenge for every fitness level. Please let your instructor know if you find any particular exercise to be aggravating an injury or too difficult to perform so that she can help you find an appropriate modification. Just as well, if you complete a particular exercise and do not feel challenged enough for the muscle group being worked, let her know that too, so she can suggest a way to make it harder.
For locations that offer 3 meetings a week, one of these will focus on increasing distance for the intermediate runners. This program offers the flexibility to add or decrease miles during this workout to meet your personal goals. The coach will be following a schedule to help those who are interested be at the 10k distance by the end of the season. Our upcoming programs will then offer optional 7-9 mile training runs, for the sake of training for 10 mile races and half marathons. This third workout night/day is also available for beginning runners to come for walking or to do an additional walk/run interval workout with their team. We especially encourage the third workout for those who have missed either of the other weekly workouts as a way to stay connected with the support of their team, and of course not have to work out alone! Our endurance workouts are generally led by volunteer coaches and offer a casual, flexible class structure. Adding distance is not recommended right away for the beginners, but you may feel comfortable adding on some distance as the season progresses. All are welcome to attend these workouts even if they want to stick with walk/run intervals and go a shorter distance.
Nutrition is a big factor when it comes to your fitness goals, especially since feeling good and having energy impacts not only on exercise but on daily life. Many women have a goal of weight loss in their fitness activities, but it’s important to understand the importance of exercise even for weight maintenance. The average person gains 5 pounds a year. We need to make healthier choices just to maintain, and exercise is a great lifestyle choice for keeping a healthy weight. We always hope to use our classes to educate and motivate women to make improvements in their health, energy levels and fitness state by improving nutritional choices. Combining proper dietary changes with your exercise program will yield incredible results in health and energy – when progress is made slow and steady, the kind of changes that can be maintained. Occasionally we may incorporate fun nutritional challenges. In addition, optional nutrition programming services are currently in the works.